How Do I Prevent Showing Requests on My Listing?
Seller and agent schedules vary from day to day. ShowingTime provides a way for agents to change the way appointments occur, which differs from the day-to-day standard ones. You can set an Appointment Restriction to prevent showings when:
- you need time for painting/cleaning
- it is time to take care of children/family
- in the early mornings
- or late at night
- for Holidays/Special Events
- and more...
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Select Add custom rule.Click the image to see the full size.
Next, you will select the dates of your rule, enter a name describing the rule, select the times the rule will apply, and Save the rule.Click the image to see the full size.
You can select to allow your rule to take place all day or for a range in time. You can create multiple rules for the same day.
When choosing dates, you can select consecutive days or specific dates for each restriction.
Click the image to see the full size.
Name your rule. Then choose the time you want the rule to restrict showings. You can indicate All Day or a specific range like from 2-5 pm.Click the image to see the full size.
Remember to save the rule. Rules will only affect appointments scheduled after the rule has been saved. You will need to update any appointments that existed before you added the rule.
You can add multiple rules.
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